


There have been many hadiths that explain, if the blood turbulent and the pressure increases, it will be able to turn someone off. Among these we can mention in addition to the previous hadiths that have been there.Reported by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak and he menshahihkannya of Anas bin Malik ra, Rasulullh SAW said:"If the heat culminates, then be neutralized by bruise so that there is no hypertension in any of you, because it will kill him."Narrated from Abu Nu'aim in the book ath-Thibbun Nabawi, from Ibn 'Abbas ra, he recalled: "Rasulullah SAW said:"Wrinkle so it will not have hypertension that can kill you."Ibnus Sunni also narrated in the book, ath-Thibbun Nabawi and Abu Nu'aim in the book ath-Thibbun Nabawi from 'Ali bin Abi Talib ra he recited: "Rasulullah SAW said:"If blood pressure has risen in its owner, it will kill it."Blood pressure (hypertension) is regarded as a disease that is already deadly poluler if not treated. High blood pressure can affect the kidneys and then cause kidney failure. Every time the kidney gets attacked it will get worse sickness if blood pressure rises.Thus one enters into a closed circle, as sometimes high blood pressure can cause a rupture of one of the brain arteries that causes a stroke that often kills the patient. Or it can also cause platelet clots in the blood vessels in the brain that result in hemiplegia (paralyzed one side of the body).High blood pressure can lead to heart muscle widening, which then leads to a decrease in cardiac performance, especially the left side, causing breathlessness, as well as severe shortness of breath, especially when lying down and sleeping, even when exerting a bit of energy.In addition, elevated blood pressure can cause hardening of the arteries which will subsequently attack the heart vessels and there is a blood clot in the blood vessels in the vein. After that, there is a disturbance in the heart and many angina pectoris (sudden chest pain, often spread to the arm, especially the left side, usually occurs due to oxygen supply disorders to the heart muscle and accelerated by stimulation or movement effort, motion requires more oxygen, while the oxygen supply is impaired). Wallohu musta'an .......So this article this time buddy ..... may be useful ..... warm regards and healthy greetings dipenjuru nusantara ...... Allohu Akbar ......

By MUHLISIN contak peson 085740034460
PREVENT BLOOD PRESSURE TURNED WITH BREAKS (Connection of eps 01) PREVENT BLOOD PRESSURE TURNED WITH BREAKS (Connection of eps 01) Reviewed by Muhlisin on 09:02 Rating: 5

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